and Tiny Sued for Defamation Amid Sexual Assault Allegations, A lawyer for the couple denied any defamation and called the lawsuit “meritless.”, Richie Tienken, Comic Strip Live Founder, Dies at Age 75. Turns out the plot of Christopher Nolan’s new movie is also a mystery to people who have seen it. Il est confronté à des événements inexplicables, qui défient l’entendement pour le commun des mortels. D’autres passent dans l’envers du décor pour jouer avec les règles (cf Matrix). Le protagoniste y découvre qu’une technologie a été développée dans le futur pour renverser l’entropie. C’est beaucoup subtil que cela. Now back to Oslo, and you can probably guess where this is going. In a forward-moving timeline, the last place we saw it was inside the silver car by the warehouse as Washington and his friends inverted; the most likely bet is that the bad guys who were moving forward in the temporal pincer movement, or an Uninverted Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh himself, picked it up from there.). Il ne comprend pas plus que les autres mais il fait son travail avec professionnalisme. Qu’y pourrait-on y gagner mis à part découvrir que rien n’a de sens? En physique, c’est une grandeur thermodynamique associée à un système de particules. She shoots Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh. Time Inversion comes into play instead of time travel as the time flow in TENET (film) is a fixed loop with a uniform speed of travel. En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées, MADE YOU LOOK : A TRUE STORY ABOUT FAKE ART, HARRY POTTER ET LES RELIQUES DE LA MORT, 2E PARTIE, HARRY POTTER ET LES RELIQUES DE LA MORT, 1E PARTIE. Il se bat pour la préserver. Mots-Clés : Tenet film christopher nolan explication Black Panther : 20 photos d’enfants bouleversantes en hommage à la star de Marvel Cet artiste utilise des … Traveling backward through the battle, inverted Pattinson sees the baddies setting up a trip wire at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the Algorithm. Grand prince! De l’autre côté du miroir, il y a les gardiens du temple. © 2021 Vox Media, LLC. Le protagoniste a la mission de sauver le monde. Un agent secret emprunte les couloirs du temps pour empêcher la fin du monde. En toute discrétion. Washington gets into the Turnstile, after which he fights the past Pattinson, who figures out that he’s the future Washington but keeps the secret from past Washington because it would have been too much of a mindfreak. In Russia, the red and blue teams create their diversion. Tranquille. Tenet est un thriller et un film de science-fiction sorti en 2020, écrit et réalisé par Christopher Nolan qui l'a également produit avec Emma Thomas.Coproduction entre le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis, il met en vedette John David Washington, avec Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Dimple Kapadia, Michael Caine et Kenneth Branagh.L'intrigue suit un agent secret (incarné par … A co-production between the United Kingdom and United States, it stars John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Dimple Kapadia, Michael Caine, and Kenneth Branagh. Lady Gaga’s Dog Walker Opens Up About His ‘Very Close Call With Death’. Pendant ce temps, sur la côte Amalfitanaise, Sator veut profiter d’un dernier coucher de soleil avant de mourir. Mais il faut du génie pour faire plus simple. But before they can get the painting, two masked guys — one moving forward, one moving backward — appear from a mysterious portal in Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh’s vault. C’est le grand principe de base de Tenet, mais il peut être mal saisi en raison d’une scène d’explication pour la moins hasardeuse survenant au cours du premier tiers du film. It’s just physics, okay? Synopsis de Tenet - Comme souvent avec les thrillers de Christopher Nolan, il n'est pas forcément évident de comprendre de quoi il s'agit avant d'avoir vu le film. This means that time-travel in this movie works according to a “closed-loop” theory — i.e., everything that has happened in the past has already happened. Ni de gentils et de méchants. Celles et ceux qui agissent dans l’ombre pour que la vie continue (cf Atomic Blonde). Fermer les yeux sur ce qui se passe dans les coulisses où pourtant des hommes et des femmes se battent farouchement. Trippy! – Kath et … It works, and Sad Elizabeth Debicki gives Washington her entire life story, including telling him about a nice yacht trip in Vietnam that ended when Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh told her she could leave him as long as she didn’t mind never seeing her son again. Comment lui en vouloir? Anyway, Washington is about to kill his guy, until Pattinson stops him. In Russia, as the bomb ticks toward zero and the henchman is about to shoot Washington, the corpse on the floor springs to life, blocks the bullet, opens the gate, then runs away in reverse. En mission sauvetage à Kiev, un agent de la CIA (John David Washington) se fait capturer puis torturer. The only time our heroes can sneak into Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh’s vault is the time they crashed the plane into the airport, which means that once Washington gets into the vault, he comes face-to-face with his past self, and we get the same fight we saw before, only in reverse. Washington beats up the henchman. People going forward in time can interact with them, but it’s weird: To pick an inverted object up, you have to imagine yourself dropping it. Analyses. Entouré de mystère comme beaucoup de ses œuvres livrées auparavant, Tenet arrive … Lorraine O’Grady Finally Has the World’s Attention. At the same time, an inverted silver car uncrashes and joins the chase. (Note: Because this movie does silly stuff like call its main character “the Protagonist,” I’ll be avoiding character names altogether.). Tenet Movie plot summary What is Tenet about?. She was correct — Dimple Kapadia is about to shoot her to tie up the “loose ends.” Having received the message, future Washington travels to that exact time and place and shoots Kapadia first, revealing that he’s the mastermind behind the entire operation. The reason he has to live in a windmill is to get his present self out of the way so his future self can operate freely during this part of the timeline, but they don’t explain this in the moment so it seems like they just want him to get really good at pull-ups. Also, Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh was the one behind the terror attack at the opera, and he’s still on the hunt for the MacGuffin. They resolve not to think about it too much. They keep going, but their path is blocked by a locked gate. Fear of Rain. L’EXPLICATION. Ils s’assurent que la vie puisse être douce, que la terre tourne afin que les consommateurs puissent faire les boutiques pour dépenser l’argent qu’ils auront gagné en travaillant honnêtement. Aaron Taylor-Johnson reveals that he and his troops are “posterity” — soldiers from the future working for the Tenet organization. In Vietnam, Sad Elizabeth Debicki reveals the truth: She’s not Past Sad Elizabeth Debicki; she’s Future Sad Elizabeth Debicki, and like the Bens, she’s got the scars to prove it. Wait, Kenneth Branagh’s Villain Made Some Points in, A Beat-by-Beat Explanation of What Happens in, Some Golden Globes Producer Is Getting Fired for Daniel Kaluuya’s Muted Speech, Kelly Clarkson Simply Stuns With Ariana Grande Cover, After Decades of Silence, Soon-Yi Previn Speaks, Jodie Foster Thanked Her Wife, Her Dog, and Aaron Rodgers in Her Globes Speech, That Feeling When Jason Sudeikis’s Edibles Hit Before His Golden Globes Speech, Taylor Swift Fans Are Not Here for John Mayer’s TikTok Presence. Des agents fiables comme Neil, toujours très terre à terre. They realize his happiest memory is the yacht trip to Vietnam, which just so happened to be taking place at the exact same time as the opera attack and an unexplained explosion at the abandoned Soviet nuclear facility he grew up in. J’ai vu passer aussi sur Twitter un graphique qui montre la timeline du film, qui rejoint d’ailleurs grandement ton analyse. Cette explication n’engage que son auteur. Ces personnes sont profondément désintéressées, comme le protagoniste qui a préféré offrir sa vie pour les autres (cf Raison d’état). On the other side is a henchman, the Algorithm, the bomb, and a blue-team corpse. Ces anges gardiens ont fait voeux d’agir pendant que les autres dorment sur leurs deux oreilles. J’ai vu passer aussi sur Twitter un graphique qui montre la timeline du film, qui rejoint d’ailleurs grandement ton analyse. Except because Washington is inverted, the heat transfer actually works in reverse, and instead of being burned, he only gets hypothermia! Une affaire de détails. Au cours de son aventure, le protagoniste ne comprend rien lui-même. After getting his lats nice and strong, Washington leaves the windmill and meets Clémence Poésy from Harry Potter, who is tasked with delivering some equally magical exposition. Ce qui veut dire que les choses ne sont pas aussi simples qu’on veut bien nous le faire croire. We live in a twilight world. Continuons de poster nos vies sur les réseaux sociaux pendant que les agents secrets s’occupent de sauver le monde et déjouer des attentats terroristes, sans que personne ne le sache. Time Inversion comes into play instead of time travel as the time flow in TENET (film) is a fixed loop with a uniform speed of travel. Inverted Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh walks backward into the Turnstile too. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. Pattinson heads back to the Turnstile, and Washington sees that his backpack is the same as the corpse’s. 6.5 / 10 by 203 users . 21 réflexions sur “ [Interprétation] Tenet – Explication et décryptage ” WoW merci pour cet article ! In Vietnam, Sad Elizabeth Debicki is now Happy Elizabeth Debicki. 26 août 2020. by Christopher Guyon. Attention, spoilers. Après lui le déluge! Washington traces the inverted bullets to an arms dealer in Mumbai. Par exemple, l’entropie n’est pas qu’un mot lâché au hasard d’une conversation pour se donner l’air intelligent. Après un test psychologique, un agent doit faire son possible pour éviter une Troisième Guerre mondiale. À cause de leurs caprices, l’histoire pourrait complètement s’arrêter. Comme disait Einstein : N’importe quel type intelligent peut faire les choses plus compliquées. (They stack vertically; call it a “shish ke-bomb.”) The scientist who made the Algorithm regretted her creation so much that she killed herself, but, before she died, she sent each part of the Algorithm back in time, hiding them around the globe. The time-bending spy movie is full of twists and turns, … Moving forward in time, the climax goes as follows: In Vietnam, Future Sad Elizabeth Debicki arrives on the yacht just after Past Sad Elizabeth Debicki has departed with her son and Past Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh has flown off in a helicopter. (Sidebar: We also learn that Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh’s team has the MacGuffin, but we never see how they got it, a fact that has caused no small end of confusion among the Tenet fan base. We also learn Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh’s backstory: He grew up at an abandoned Soviet nuclear facility, where he discovered a cache of gold and a message from the future. Washington catches up with Dimple Kapadia again, and this time she tells him the MacGuffin is actually one of nine MacGuffins that stack up to form something called the Algorithm, which has the power to invert half the planet, thus ending existence as we know it. Si vous cherchez des explications concernant Tenet, lisez la suite !S’il y a deux choses qui définissent le plus clairement un film de Christopher Nolan.Ce sont les scènes d’action bombardées et visuellement innovantes et les intrigues … To do so, it uses a technology called “inversion,” by which objects and people can travel backward in the flow of time by reversing their entropy. Tenet : une reconstitution 3D tente de clarifier la fin du film Menu Accueil; À propos de la FAGE; Les dernières nouvelles They don’t hear him and set off the trip wire, which buries their path out. Inverted Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh threatens to shoot Sad Elizabeth Debicki unless Washington gives him the case containing the MacGuffin, which he does. Taking a page from J.K. Rowling’s book, Nolan decides to give us one last exposition dump before the climax. Monster hunter. En réalité, le monde est même ultra-sophistiqué, régi par des lois que nous sommes encore très loin de maîtriser. Tenet : tentative d’explication et éléments de réponse (spoilers) Le texte ci-dessous spoile le film dans les grandes largeurs. Already a subscriber? Le film le plus attendu de la rentrée, Tenet de Christopher Nolan, est un film d’action spectaculaire. Mais pas seulement. Sommaire [Mis à jour le 27 août 2020 à 9h26] La patience des amateurs de cinéma a enfin payé : Tenet est à découvrir dans les salles depuis mercredi 26 août. But where … and when? Above them, Pattinson pulls them and the Algorithm out of the tunnel before the explosion, thanks to a chain that was there the whole time? Il gagne la confiance de Kat (Elizabeth Debicki), la femme otage de Sator, pour mieux se rapprocher du dangereux maniaque. Il déploie des paradoxes étonnants sur le temps. (…) We’re responsible. Pattinson is supposed to be inverted with the rest of the blue team, but he decides to go rogue and uninverts, then reinverts himself multiple times during the battle. Washington wakes up on a boat, where his boss explains that his new mission is to join something called Tenet, which we know is the name of the movie but he doesn’t. Then the CIA puts Washington inside a windmill. It’s not an excuse to do nothing. Nous évoluons plutôt dans une sorte de brouillard opaque (cf Insomnia), en faisant mine de savoir où nous allons alors que nous naviguons à vue. On n’est pas là pour se poser des questions. La terre ne s’arrêtera pas de tourner. Qui est l’auteur des explications de film? 21 réflexions sur “ [Interprétation] Tenet – Explication et décryptage ” WoW merci pour cet article ! He wakes up in an air-locked container ship, where Pattinson, Sad Wounded Elizabeth Debicki, and some of the troops are all traveling in reverse a week back in time to the Oslo airport so they’ll be able to use the Turnstile there to get themselves going forward again. So as a helpful reference for viewers looking to make sense of what they just saw (plus people who don’t feel comfortable braving a multiplex just yet but are still curious), I’ve created this beat-by-beat explanation of exactly what happens in Tenet. He replays the previous car chase in reverse, but this time we see something we didn’t in the first go-round: the MacGuffin leaping out of the silver car and into forward-Washington’s hands — which means that, in forward-time, he threw it to his inverted self in the silver car. Detailed analysis of Christopher Nolan's Magnum Opus, TENET, 2020 Action, Sci-Fi Film. De toute façon, très peu de personnes ont les moyens intellectuels de le faire. Then they split up. Log in or link your magazine subscription. Meanwhile, Washington, Pattinson, and the Tenet army will attack the abandoned Soviet nuclear facility and try to disassemble the Algorithm. Taylor-Johnson suggests they each bury their part, then kill themselves to avoid giving up the locations. (If he can’t be alive, no one can.) Le cinéma sur le fond plutôt que la forme, Cliquez pour envoyer par e-mail à un ami(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur Facebook(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur WhatsApp(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur Telegram(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur Reddit(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). (Whether this happened in the timeline before or after the events of the film is unclear; many theories have sprung up on this subject.) Tenet : tentative d’explication et éléments de réponse (spoilers) Attention, n'allez surtout pas plus loin si vous n'avez pas encore vu Tenet. Pour simplifier, cette guerre semble se faire au nom d’une certaine idée de l’univers. Pattinson knows Washington’s favorite drink, even though it wasn’t listed on his Hinge profile. How did Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh know they were coming? Il me faut maintenant parler de "Tenet" (distribué par Warner Bros France), le film de la renaissance du Cinéma.Ce faisant, je me rends compte que la tâche n’est pas si évid Ils conduisent le bateau pendant que la patronne prend le soleil derrière. L’immense majorité préfère sortir les masques à oxygène et attendre gentiment que l’avion s’écrase. Le texte ci-dessous spoile le film … And three, she sold the bullets to the movie’s villain, Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh, who is acting as the future’s representative in its war on the present. All of this takes place on a yacht, where the engine noise makes most of the dialogue unintelligible, but the sound mix is clear enough for us to hear Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh growl like a tiger and tell Sad Elizabeth Debicki, “If I can’t have you, no one can.”, Now things start to get really hard to follow, so bear with me. En mathématique, c’est encore autre chose. Tenet, c’est bénis soient les agents secrets! Whether you’re watching it on home release … Anyway, they bungee jump into the arms dealer’s lair, where they learn three surprising facts: One, the dealer, played by Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia, is a woman! 6.3 / 10 by 405 users . Two, she knows about Tenet. They’re all wearing oxygen masks and traveling backward through time! To get a meeting, he needs a sidekick. Think Primer, or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban if you’re nasty. On vous propose des explications de Tenet. Gardening, fishing, discovering the true nature of the secret chamber: you know, retirement stuff. Tenet est un film réalisé par Christopher Nolan avec John David Washington, Kenneth Branagh. Ce n’est pas grave, tant que ça castagne et que nous nous sentons en sécurité à la fin. (We also get a clearer view of why it looked as if reverse Washington was shooting his gun at forward Washington: He was actually trying to empty the clip so his past self couldn’t use it against him.) As part of a quid pro quo with Sad Elizabeth Debicki, Washington and Pattinson decide to steal the forged painting. Tenet est sortie au cinéma le 26 août en France ! Tenet Film Explication , tenet explication , Regarder Film en Streaming Complet VF Gratuit, en Ligne. Il me faut maintenant parler de "Tenet" (distribué par Warner Bros France), le film de la renaissance du Cinéma.Ce faisant, je me rends compte que la tâche n’est pas si évid Barbara (Clémence Poesy), la scientifique qui brief le protagoniste, ne lui dit-elle pas : You’re not here for the why, you’re here for the how. En l’occurrence, Neil travaille au service du protagoniste, qui se trouve être à la tête de l’organisation – sans le savoir (cf Cypher). All rights reserved. Pendant ce temps, l’immense majorité fait mine de ne pas voir la réalité comme elle est. The teams then brief each other in their own temporal pincer movement. Enter Robert Pattinson in a performance modeled on the late Christopher Hitchens. A symphony performance in Kiev is attacked and the unnamed CIA agent, dreadfully referred to in the film … Washington wonders how Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh seems to know everything that’s going to happen, and he accuses Pattinson of being a mole. In Russia, Washington, Pattinson, and Taylor-Johnson separate the Algorithm into three parts and plan to split up. En secret. Des égoïstes comme Andrei Sator et sa logique d’enfant gâté. Il préfère se saborder plutôt que de dénoncer les membres de son équipe. Don’t worry, it’s happened to all of us. Après un test psychologique, un agent doit faire son possible pour éviter une Troisième Guerre mondiale. Some time later, Happy Elizabeth Debicki is dropping her son off at school when she gets a premonition of danger and calls the cell phone. The silver car then crashes, in the same crash we saw happen in reverse earlier, and while Inverted Washington is trying to escape, Inverted Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh drops a lighter and sets the car aflame. Tenet : théories et explications du film de Christopher Nolan […] plexlight06 1 septembre, 2020 at 19:03 @SYYN. En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées. Les agents voient le réel tel qu’il est : différent. In the chaos, his life is saved by a mysterious figure in black, who kills a henchman with a bullet that travels backward. On les appelle souvent des terroristes, c’est à dire des gens dangereux, pas comme nous. He says the MacGuffin wasn’t in the case and asks Washington where it is. Tenet is also the word ten backward and forward, which becomes key to the movie’s climactic sequence, in which synchronized attack teams move through time in opposite directions on a … Because this is a Christopher Nolan movie, there’s a scene in which our hero has afternoon tea with Michael Caine. So Washington steps through the Turnstile and starts going backward in time. He uninverts himself and tries to warn Washington and Taylor-Johnson. She explains that Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh communicates with the future by leaving messages for “posterity.”. In Vietnam, Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh calls up Washington on a walkie-talkie and gives his version of Thanos’s “I am inevitable” monologue. Efficaces, ils travaillent sans faire de bruit. Certains se font des noeuds au cerveau pour essayer de comprendre, sans jamais trouver. (When you enter a Turnstile going forward, it looks like two people get sucked into it; when you enter one going backward, it looks like two people are coming out of it.). Conscient de la complexité, sans chercher à la comprendre ni à la résoudre. They form two groups: Washington and Taylor-Johnson are the red team, which does the assault going forward in time; Pattinson is on the blue team, which does it going backward. Just then, a forward-time version of Evil Russian Kenneth Branagh enters the room, but before he can do more Evil Russian stuff, he’s chased into the Turnstile by a squadron of troops led by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Ryan Fischer addresses his shooting and thanks “guardian angel” French bulldog Asia on Instagram. After she refused, she says, she saw a mysterious woman jump off the boat and envied her husband’s supposed mistress for her freedom. Veuillez me contacter en privé: Suivez ce blog et soyez notifié par email. The plot of Christopher Nolan’s Tenet has been one of 2020’s most intriguing mysteries.

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